

Our mandate:

​1. To promote the profession of midwifery within
the Province of New Brunswick

2. To advocate for the ongoing development and enhancement of midwifery services

3. To represent the interests of midwives and the
profession of midwifery

The Midwifery Association of New Brunswick (MANB) is a provincial body that represents registered midwives and the profession of midwifery in New Brunswick. We help to support midwives and the profession of midwifery, advocate for expansion of midwifery services, and promote midwives as valuable, autonomous, primary health care providers.

Learn more about what midwives do, here.

Our history



• Midwifery Act assented. Midwifery is not yet established in New Brunswick

• MANB created by Registered Midwife Melissa Langlais. The purpose of creating MANB was to facilitate communication with the government and between members.

• The Midwifery Council of New Brunswick created



​• Midwifery Regulations passed in NB

• MANB and Canadian Association of Midwives (CAM) meet with Minister Boudreau, Minister of Health, to discuss creating publicly-funded midwifery services in NB


• MANB joins CAM
• Constitution / By-laws written



• Formation of MANB Board of Directors
• MANB becomes a registered association in NB
• Announcement of publicly-funded midwifery in NB
• Plan to hire 4 midwives for demonstration site in Fredericton

• 1st midwife registered in NB
• MANB begins offering the Emergency Skills Workshop
• Midwives begin seeing clients in the Fredericton Midwifery Centre



• Members of MANB and CAM met with the Department of Health, and members of the Green, People's Alliance, and Liberal parties of New Brunswick to promote the expansion of midwifery in New Brunswick
• The Fredericton Midwifery Centre celebrates its 100th birth

MANB Board of Directors

President: Brittany Stairs, RM
Vice President: Ursula Rinne, RM
Treasurer: Ashley Kaye, RM
Secretary: Ashley Kaye, RM
Student Rep: Emma Peterson
Directors: Samanthy Landry, RM
Jasmine Graham, RM

Interested in becoming part of MANB?